भिडियो हेर्न तलको चित्रलाई हटाउनुहोस
UK Gross Domestic Product Annual Growth Rates The British economy progressed 1.9 percent year-on-year in the most recent three months of 2015, moderating from a 2.1 percent development in the past period, preparatory appraisals appeared. It is the most noticeably awful execution since the initial three months of 2013. Considering full 2015, the GDP grew 2.2 percent, lower than 2.9 percent in 2014. Gross domestic product Annual Growth Rate in the United Kingdom arrived at the midpoint of 2.47 percent from 1956 until 2015, achieving a record-breaking high of 9.80 percent in the main quarter of 1973 and a record low of - 5.90 percent in the principal quarter of 2009. Gross domestic product Annual Growth Rate in the United Kingdom is accounted for by the Office for National Statistics.
The United Kingdom is the 6th biggest economy on the planet and the third biggest in Europe after Germany and France. The Services division is the most critical and records for 79 percent to aggregate GDP. The greatest portions inside of Services are: government, training and wellbeing (19 percent of aggregate GDP); land (12 percent); proficient, exploratory and specialized exercises and regulatory and bolster administrations (12 percent); wholesale and retail exchange (11 percent); and budgetary and protection (8 percent). Industry represents 21 percent of the GDP and the biggest portions inside of this part are: assembling (10 percent of aggregate GDP) and development (6 percent). The Agriculture division represents just 1 percent of GDP. This page gives the most recent reported quality to - United Kingdom GDP Annual Growth Rate - in addition to past discharges, authentic high and low, fleeting conjecture and long haul forecast, financial logbook, review agreement and news. United Kingdom GDP Annual Growth Rate - real information, authentic diagram and logbook of discharges - was keep going upgraded on February of 2016.
भिडियो हेर्न तलको चित्रलाई हटाउनुहोस
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